cami perdut (lost way)
Extrem drugs, lost the way, lost the control, lost the person, close in the other side, no scape from that prision....
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects. No photoshop, no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • Visninger684
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Kritikker (9)
Thomas R.

Syntes først bildet var veldig rotete, men fant ut at jeg likte det. Det passer bra med budskapet i bildet og bildeteksten. Synes kanskje tittelen ikke satt helt med resten av presentasjonen (''lost way'' vs stengsler og fengsel).
Avsluttet .

Et meningsfyllt bilde...gjør sterkt inntrykk. Det tekniske får andre kommentere.

Haiman A.

One of your best pics. Most deff. I like the unsharp, dark, yellowish kinda atmosphere.
You should have removed the Adidas banners.

Jostein M.

Ferran! This is genious. Like the look of the picture but most of all the story. Great great work.
Regards Jostein
John G.

I like it! In this kind of category, it scores high with me!
The Adidas banner must stay. It gives the picture contrast...
Hege Helen R.

Buenas Ferran
I like the dramatic look in the photo, i think this one shows the long and hard way out of the drug abuse. I really like this one.
Hege :-)
Geir S.

Wow, real strong image where ones imagination goes over the hills even without the text!
Kenneth P.

Nice image, but I think the Adidas trousers were to visible. Strong and dramatic.
Pål S.

Beautiful mood! Sepia-toning is perfect here...But I think it would be even better without the addidas clotheswear...
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