Traped (passional intolerance III)
Some women living under fear and pain because of some men, they want fly away, but some times they can´t. To my friend from Karmøy. Glass reflection between two subjects, no photoshop, no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects, no photoshop, no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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Kritikker (5)
Karl Øystein L.

Nice work as always Ferran. Can you e-mail me the technical details to create images like this.

Cheers Karl
Pål S.

Very good! Is the background violet? looks like that on my computer...
But the picture was great anyway
Fredrik S.

I think this is your best yet... simply beautiful
Line Kristin W.

I just love the symbolism in this photography (which I feel gives it more credit as deserved than if using the term picture).

One remark though, the tiny white stripe along the right hand side should be removed (bet it has annoied you too ;-)

Also, I generally admire the way you manage to implement the natural (nude) human body in your work, - as the fantastic piece of art it is... without trace of ''commercial cheapness'' or ''speculative erotisism''.
(Gee, I hope that's understandable :-)

- Line :-)

Avsluttet .

Excellent!.. I love it..
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