Ramp i lyset
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Kritikker (4)
Karl-Johan V.

Hei Jørn Tore.
Dette liker jeg veldig godt. Lyset og motivene er flott fanget!
Stephane P.

I think you could try to crop half of the sky away (so you dont even have to remove the speck of dust in the middle) and a little bit of the bottom. Like this you can have it more in a landscape format and divided into thirds, onle the kids breaking the symmetrie. You got a nice capture there.
Bjørn R.

Helt spesielt lys i dette bildet, Jørn. Skulle likt å vite om du har gjort noe/mye i PS, eller? Men spesielt er det uansett! Bj.
Jørn Tore K.

Takk for hyggelige kommentarer.
Til Bjørn- har justert i Bridge- levels og curves.
To Stepane: I agree. Good idea to crop half of the sky away and a little bit of the bottom.
Mvh. Jørn T.
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