Mitt bidrag til månedens konkurranse her på Nådde ikke opp i konken, men det var en festlig shoot ihvertfall. Legger ved enkeltbildene+ en kollage av de bildene jeg har brukt i manipulasjonen.
Referere til dette bildet andre steder på klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_304026} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Hello Joakim!
If I understand correctly, the text at the bottom should be read first (unless you you planned a ''pulp-fiction'' scenario). That was confusing for me. Also, too much text (I and I guess lots of people dont like to read) and font is difficult to decode. Otherwise, creativity and photoshop skills are definitely there with you.
Joakim R.
Hi Stephane!
You understand correctly. The bottom text should be read first, and then the text above each picture. I can understand that it is a bit confusing:) I just had to hurry in order to make the deadline, and didn`t have enough time to do everything properly. I agree that there is too much text, but I found it hard to do this in a different way. The font sucks, I know! The idea was to make a cartoon-like story wich would remind people of movies like the godfather, pulp fiction, and mimic the style of sin city. Well, the next one will be better;)
Laters JR
Grethe R.
Hei Joakim
Må le litt når jeg ser de bildene du brukte her. Det var et morsomt prosjekt og synes det ble knallbra! Vittig når du brukte toalettpapir i kjakan!!
Forøvrig enig i det dere sier her om at fonten er litt komplisert.. og at det kan være litt mye tekst.. men uansett.. bra jobbet!
Hilsen hjelperen ;)
Jan Ivar V.
Digg Photoshop-jobb du har gjort her. Ble for mye tekst for min del, har ikke tatt meg tid til å lese den :) Men finfin PS-jobbing. Mye bedre enn mitt bidrag til konkurransen som kom på 9. plass... Hvis du har lyst å røpe hvordan du har fått frem data/tegneserie/film-looken må du gjerne gjøre det :)
Jan Ivar
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
If I understand correctly, the text at the bottom should be read first (unless you you planned a ''pulp-fiction'' scenario). That was confusing for me. Also, too much text (I and I guess lots of people dont like to read) and font is difficult to decode. Otherwise, creativity and photoshop skills are definitely there with you.
You understand correctly. The bottom text should be read first, and then the text above each picture. I can understand that it is a bit confusing:) I just had to hurry in order to make the deadline, and didn`t have enough time to do everything properly. I agree that there is too much text, but I found it hard to do this in a different way. The font sucks, I know! The idea was to make a cartoon-like story wich would remind people of movies like the godfather, pulp fiction, and mimic the style of sin city. Well, the next one will be better;)
Laters JR
Må le litt når jeg ser de bildene du brukte her. Det var et morsomt prosjekt og synes det ble knallbra! Vittig når du brukte toalettpapir i kjakan!!
Forøvrig enig i det dere sier her om at fonten er litt komplisert.. og at det kan være litt mye tekst.. men uansett.. bra jobbet!
Hilsen hjelperen ;)
Jan Ivar