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Hei Anette. At du ikkje har fått kommentarar på dette bildet, tolker eg dit hen at bildet er litt vanskeleg å gje tilbakemelding på - og det syns også eg, sjølv om eg har sett på det ein rekke gongar. Men - i og med at dette er tatt i Afrika/Kenya, tolker eg dette som eit sterkt, livskraftig bilde - der livet bryt fram i den vesle grøne veksten, midt i det som synes å vera eit opptørka og -sprukke landskap (?) Definitivt eit typisk ''anti-turistbilde'' :-)
Helene N.
Flott bilde. Enkel og bra komp., harmoniske farger, fin symbolikk. Men skulle ønske at hele planta var litt mer i fokus, jeg synes det er litt lite å feste øynene på nå.
M.v.h. Helene
Georg K.
that's fine with me - symbolism is an important part of photographic language as I see it, and seen in this way this the image is absolute valid - especially, and I'm not trying to provocate authors of other comments, especially in this very little concrete shape, form, presentation.
To my mind it doesn't need to be more concrete, it doesn't need to play n the huge contrast and the image can, does work also with this abstraction.
It is a small piece, it is not begging for attention by the great gesture, the huge setting, the all explaining symbolism - it is just a very small sign of something fresh, growing - often already destroyed when start talking about it
I believe that everyone who is engaged in photography needs to reserve this option for themselves - to honor the instinctively impression, and put the great expression on a second priority.
It is good and healthy to develop this skill of allowing ourselves the comforting joy of a moment - or something in this way :)
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Flott bilde. Enkel og bra komp., harmoniske farger, fin symbolikk. Men skulle ønske at hele planta var litt mer i fokus, jeg synes det er litt lite å feste øynene på nå.
M.v.h. Helene
To my mind it doesn't need to be more concrete, it doesn't need to play n the huge contrast and the image can, does work also with this abstraction.
It is a small piece, it is not begging for attention by the great gesture, the huge setting, the all explaining symbolism - it is just a very small sign of something fresh, growing - often already destroyed when start talking about it
I believe that everyone who is engaged in photography needs to reserve this option for themselves - to honor the instinctively impression, and put the great expression on a second priority.
It is good and healthy to develop this skill of allowing ourselves the comforting joy of a moment - or something in this way :)