sketch in a serie relacionated with Gaudi stile that i´m just starting.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • -
  • Blender-
  • Filmtypeportra 100T
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects, no photoshop, no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriAkt
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  • Visninger904
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Kritikker (10)
leif b.

Creative and fantastic work,well done...leif
Roy S.

agree with leif. Real nice one.
Bent S.

Beautiful combination, Ferran. Nice lightening on that womans back and an artistic use of ''krackling look'' and colours. The sunny wheel to left, may disturb a little, but not that much...
Geir Helge S.

Nice, but I would prefere to crop the lower part (2 cm)
Avsluttet .

I like this Ferran,real artistic with the crackling-look,and a beautiful use of light that makes nice colors.

Nils B.

Bra arbeid og flott mosaikkfølelse. Meget bra.
mvh Nils
Marcelo V.

Bra bilde. Kunne tenke meg litt mere tegning i de lyse partiene.
Elisabeth W.

Your picture is beautiful, Ferran, but I tend to agree with GHS who suggests cropping a little.

-- Elisabeth
Jostein M.

I really enjoyed this Ferran, back in the old business, excellent mosaikk, great mysterious colors, excellent work my friend:-)
Regards Jostein
Stig S.

Subtle colours and nice mosaic effect. There's something happening in the lower parts which distracts me; I'm not sure what... Maybe a slight cropping? I like this!

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