Leftover memories
Ofte er minner knyttet til fysiske og konkrete ting. I dette tilfellet var det noen mynter mm som ble tilovers og tatt vare på etter en lang reise som ble ''bærere'' av minner fra den tiden.
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Kritikker (4)
Nils Christian S.

Kreativt motiv. Dette konglomeratet av mynter og sedler gløder av farger og minner - første gang jeg har sett et slikt bilde som dette.
Det fallt i smak.
Georg K.

Polished metallic surfaces tend to reflect light - to me it seems you have used the desk-lamp as light-source, and were running into trouble with your white-balance.
A few of the coins in your image are silver-colored ( Canada fks., while others like the Swedish 10 kroner are of brass-color ).
As the result of light / reflection and white balance you have too ''hot'' tones - you can easily see this also on the white paper of the banknotes.

If you are planing to do similar images again, I would think that you should try to work with more - but indirect light, take images in RAW, adjust the white-balance, and try to tone down the ''glow''.
Coin photography is a bit tricky - because of the surface of the object - but when you finally get it right, it offers also some good solutions for many other images of small objects of various material.
Some tips about specific-coin photography are here :http://www.sigma-2.com/camerajim/cjgcoins.htm
Erik S.

Howdy Georg, Thanks for comprehensive response. I find that it's often a challenge to, whether or not, alter the content and expression of a photo. I played around with different approaches, angles and lighting schemes; but the final version was the one that was not altered at all. I left it ''reflecting'' the light back at the viewer, with some coins reflecting more than others. The content is deliberately out of balance. Reflectare:''...to cast light back upon itself...'' That's what we do when we remember, and find ourselves in ''reflection'' over past events and memories. You're, of course, dead on right about the technicalities concerning improvement on the ''surface'' of the photo, but I'm more concerned about the message beneath... Cheers, and thanks again
Kenneth S.

Er faktisk enig med deg Erik, her. Minner er ofte refleksjoner av former og farger, gjerne i forsterkede varianter. Det er ikke alltid et bilde burde være teknisk perfekt. Det kan faktisk drepe meningen med bildet når man hele tiden ''perfeksjonerer''. Til syvende og sist er det ''dine'' minner som er de viktigste med bildet.

Hilsen en ''kollega''!
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