The End
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Kritikker (3)
Andreas F.

Et relativt bra bilde, synes det var veldig spennende med tanke på hvordan elgen går i naturen etter døden (Er det meningen).

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Chris Eric B.

hei hei . takk får kommentaren, det er ikke Elg, men en Reinkalv

Vh Chris E
Georg K.

Great image - not that the subject is all that lovely - but it works as an photo very good.
Low vantage point - close enough to bridge the distance we normally try to keep - S/H with most tones in grey - and cold, wide open background.
In this way I especially like the few straw of grass, waving in the wind.

If there is one area where I believe a different approach could have made the image better than it is in way of "confusing" details in the foreground.
Confusing because the surrounding and main-subject in this image are equally prominent.
To see what I mean please have a look at the area behind the animals head - approx. where the ear is - there one really need to look twice to see the separation between the two "levels".
But this are very small remarks - in general a good photo, a true nature image - but clearly a nature-photo and less of an "shock" image.

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