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Kritikker (4)
Jani F.

Hei! :):) dette var artig! Bra du såg det og at du klarte å fange det! Morsom tekst som passa bra til drittvèret;) Liker at du har presentert det i s/h. Bilete er litt stort, dumt at ein må scrolle for å få med heile bilete. Mvh Jani
Øystein A.

Ja, jeg trodde foto.no reskalerte bilder, der tok jeg visst feil... Skal se hva jeg kan gjøre med saken.
Georg K.

hmm - I think you had actually a real great motif on hand / in front of the camera.

This setting - pouring rain, the guy standing in front of a stage listening to the music despite the rain - and carrying this selv-expressing wording around - that's not too bad to have in one photo.

Then again, I think the image, concentrating just on the wording is maybe a bit too small ?
Rain is always a nice metaphor to use when it comes to hopes, longings etc. - and the logical distance in this image to the stage, the point of attention for him - is a second nice metaphor.

But I guess a small step further to the right, excluding the shoulder of the neighboring person, and a little further back would have delivered you a much stronger image – which to my mind could really be a winner-photo.
Still a nice site, well seen – and somewhat interesting.

Øystein A.

If I had moved back and to the right, there would have been a pram dominating the left edge (which is what you see in the lower left corner)

I appreciate your comments, though! :-)
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