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Dette bilde appellerte mye til meg. Liker toningen, halv-silhouetten og motivet(ene) Finner egentlig ikke noe å sette fingeren på.
Georg K.
relaxed and inspiring at the same time - I like these images where a dog obviously owns all visible activity, it adds a mood of absence, stand-still.
High sun, just over the highest point, no cloud - and all work has been slowing down.
Would have been cool with a gut leaning on the truck, smoking, head deep down in his face..
- the image works, good perspective, nice tones - and well in sepia.
Thomas M.
takk Joachim, and big thanks Georg!
Thomas mørch
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High sun, just over the highest point, no cloud - and all work has been slowing down.
Would have been cool with a gut leaning on the truck, smoking, head deep down in his face..
- the image works, good perspective, nice tones - and well in sepia.
Thomas mørch