Bildet er fra Kerteminde i Danmark i juli. En nydelig kveldslys ved havnen gav den optimale feriefølelsen!
  • Nikon D300
  • Nikkor 50mm1.8 D
  • Brennvidde50mm
  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/100s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriDiverse
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger210
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Kritikker (2)
Georg K.
Certainly a nice, relaxed and calm summer evening...
Nice light,
falling lines ( horizon ),
not overly sharp,
and a bit boring.

To me it looks like a post-card image, except that it should stand straight - but there is little more of interest to see in this image.

I guess it would have been a better solution to look for one particular subject, something useful as a representative to reflect the mood, charm, atmosphere of the moment.
Looking at the row of fishing boats and houses on the other side of the water – there is no end, no beginning – it is not offering the eye anything special.
The image has no real logic, no dramaturgy and no real centre, except the motorboat – which again is the least connected element.
One of the challenges in this type of photography also is to ask yourself what exactly it is what makes you feel the urge to take a picture. Photography is a very limited medium – and the task is to refine your impressions to be able to concentrate n something to transport with your image.
Thomas R.
For å oppsummere GK sin kommentar, disse går det 13 av på dusinet. Han har nevnt alt, bortsett fra komposisjonen, det er for mye vann her, og hodet til båtføreren tangerer skipet, ikke bra.
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