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Synes dette ble et meget bra portrett! God utnyttelse av lyset.
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Tor Eirik
Georg K.
Yes, looks quite convincing indeed - great done with the cold light at the location, adding this feel for the situation / person / expression.
Reminds me a bit to something what I would call a typical Polaroid setting in terms of unforgiving colour, focus-range and main-subject right in the middle.
Thats nothing negative - it is just a portrait style I tend to enjoy, since very close. In this case you have achieved to add a background which isn't disturbing - but not prominent either - a natural view, as if the guy actually really would speak to the viewer.
Really nice - a picture standing out here the way I look on it.
John Andre A.
thanks for a nice and thorough comment Georg!
I see that you mean:-)
takk til deg og tor eirik.
jeg har vridd og vendt på sorthvitt her, men landet på de "rare" fargene som rommet ga.
gir en steril fiskehallfølelse.
det er tatt i et LITE øysamfunn i trøndelag.
Admir M.
Troverdig og følelsesladet bilde.
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Kunne vært spennende å sett en s/h versjon
Tor Eirik
Reminds me a bit to something what I would call a typical Polaroid setting in terms of unforgiving colour, focus-range and main-subject right in the middle.
Thats nothing negative - it is just a portrait style I tend to enjoy, since very close. In this case you have achieved to add a background which isn't disturbing - but not prominent either - a natural view, as if the guy actually really would speak to the viewer.
Really nice - a picture standing out here the way I look on it.
I see that you mean:-)
takk til deg og tor eirik.
jeg har vridd og vendt på sorthvitt her, men landet på de "rare" fargene som rommet ga.
gir en steril fiskehallfølelse.
det er tatt i et LITE øysamfunn i trøndelag.