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Kritikker (3)
Roy Sigurd K.
Greit utsnitt og fin dybde og kompisosjon, men blikket trekker ned nogle hakk. Hun virker som om hun er veldig opptatt av fotografen...
Georg K.
I assume that it is your daughter - and the whole idea is based on the play of surrounding, water-bottle / glass - modern shapes and styles, and the person behind the again stylish Mac - in this way i do not see a contradiction between setting and the direct contact with the photographer - almost more the opposite, I think this one contact within this huge setting is actually interesting.
Nice with teh row of blue poles / window-frames on the right side.
Depth of room nicely integrated into the image expression.
How is the deformation of bottle and glass explained ? Wide-angle ?
Nils Christian S.
Liker komposisjonen her - spennende miljøskildring - liker at jenta fester blikket slik hun gjør.
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