''Natures first green is gold'' by Robert Frost.
Young and fresh, but grow old and die, so beauty is lost and can not last forever...by Cecile
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects, no P.S, no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
    Focusing problem by scanner.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • Visninger696
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Kritikker (16)
Stein Rune B.

Rune Edvin H.

Visuelt vakkert.
Avsluttet .

Kult...the real thing =)
Nils B.

Meget bra, livets årer.
mvh Nils
leif b.

This one is fantastic,Ferran.Wonderful colours.
Bent S.

Very, very nice result! Wonderful picture.
Tore E.

Very nice,

Elisabeth W.

Hei Ferran -
I really like this! You said your last photo is going to be on the wall of a cafeteria in Stavanger - I think this one deserves a place on a wall somewhere too.

-- Elisabeth
Henrik T.

Two thumbs up!!

Marcelo V.

Esta es una de las mejores fotos que has presentado en esta pagina.Realmente buena. Solo falto el marco.
Dette er et av dine beste bilden som du har lagt ut i denne siden, Virkelig bra. Manglet bare ramma.
Tom B.


When I saw your last image, I said that that was the best one so far. Now you have definitely improved on that one as well. Very, very nice !

In addition to all the other nice things that can be said about this picture, I would like to add that this one does not remind me that you don't have the powerful digital tools at your disposal. This one stands out !

I'm getting curious.... Would you like to describe how you do it ? Darkroom ? Slide- duplicator ? Or what/how.
If you want to keep your secret, it's ok by me.

Ferran C.

Takk til alle for the nice coments,

Hei Tom, just check out one of my first pictures, it´s called ''sang (Blod)'', there you have a first basic tecnic grafic about the glass sistem, it´s quite simple, more dificult is get the results that you expect, but that is just practise and creativity, any doubt just write me a mail.
Tarjei Ekenes K.

:-) !!!!!

! son tarjeiav !
Hege Helen R.

Veldig bra!
lars morgan k.

Definitely one of your best pieces so far, excellent use of colours. The leaf acts as wings on the modell and makes me think of mysterious beeings of the deep dark woods, such as elfs. Really nice.

vennlig hilsen
Lars Morgan
Toini B.

Nice picture:)
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