Bullet in the Head
This was shot with at very wide angle with two flashes. The inspiration for this creation comes from Josh Sommers, who creates the most amazing manipulations.

Se resten av mine bilder på Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mortenprom/
  • Canon 40D
  • Sigma 10-20mm
  • Brennvidde10mm
  • Blenderf/6.7
  • Lukker1/250s
  • Nei
  • AnnetThe big blue eye is my own, just slightly altered :)) I pulled the shot through all kinds of processing in Lightroom and Photoshop, I do not look like this in real life :))

    I used the warp tool to distort my face out of proportion. I took a separate photo of my eye wide open. I enlarged the eye using the OnOne fractal plugin for Photoshop, enhancing the colors and sharpened the structures. I cloned the pupil away and placed it underneath the warped face layer in Photoshop. Carefully I masked the original eye away and worked quite a long time one the edges. Very funny work :))

    Se resten av mine bilder på Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mortenprom/
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  • Visninger180
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Nadir Shah K.

You look very scarey in this picture & off course no one will like in real life ;-) )

Good picture indeed.

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