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Bra HDR-arbeide - som jeg aldri synes jeg får til selv...
Andre R.
Supert bilde. Har selv prøvd å få den riktige effekten med slike solstråle-tepper, uten hell. Ser klart at du har fått teken på det. Hvis jeg ville ha endret noe på dette bildet, ville jeg kanskje klippet bort 10-15% av topp og bunn. Det ville kanskje fremhevet effekten enda litt mere.
Lars Olav G.
Takk takk :) skal prøve å klippe bort litt. Til deg Geir: Har slitt litt selv med HDR,men fikk et stalltips av en venn på Flickr som jeg kan legge ut:
Hi Lars,
Did you ever tried Silkypix for converting RAFs, it's working greatly with Fuji and it's my prime converter. Another option would be trying RAF to TIFF with Fuji Finepixviewer to see if you can get sharpness out of RAF. Yus suggestions or experiments to figure it out. No surprise your 18-135 works better anyway.
Regarding HDRs I'm pretty often use moderate HDR conversion from single RAF to improve local contrast and tonality and than selectively apply it to through PS layers and masks in luminosity mode. I'm using Photomatix to do the job with Neat Image to neatize the noise after. A bit of work but pictures may look natural and better after the process if the levels of tonal remapping are kept moderated.
There are some other tricks to improve tonality and pieces of software that do good job if used wisely. PS can be also used for the purpose as well but I was never impressed by the final effect
Hope it helps, I'll watch your photostream for spectacular tone reach shots.
Cathrine L.
Syns dette blei kjempe fint. Solstrålene har du fått frem på en mesterlig måte. Fine farger og lys. Ville gjerne også ha kuttet litt i topp og bunn??!!
Mvh Cathrine
Børth Aadne S.
Dette ble bra. Et meget vellykket HDR-bilde i mine øyne. Flott med solstrålene som stråler igjennom de mørke skyene. Enig med litt kutting i toppen, men i bunnen er jeg litt mer usikker. Uansett et flott bilde :o)
Børth Aadne
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Hi Lars,
Did you ever tried Silkypix for converting RAFs, it's working greatly with Fuji and it's my prime converter. Another option would be trying RAF to TIFF with Fuji Finepixviewer to see if you can get sharpness out of RAF. Yus suggestions or experiments to figure it out. No surprise your 18-135 works better anyway.
Regarding HDRs I'm pretty often use moderate HDR conversion from single RAF to improve local contrast and tonality and than selectively apply it to through PS layers and masks in luminosity mode. I'm using Photomatix to do the job with Neat Image to neatize the noise after. A bit of work but pictures may look natural and better after the process if the levels of tonal remapping are kept moderated.
There are some other tricks to improve tonality and pieces of software that do good job if used wisely. PS can be also used for the purpose as well but I was never impressed by the final effect
Hope it helps, I'll watch your photostream for spectacular tone reach shots.
Mvh Cathrine
Børth Aadne