l'arbre, the tree...
...somehow a selfportrett.
  • canon eos 1v
  • -
  • Blender-
  • Filmtypeportra 400vc
  • Nei
  • Annetno p.s, just a foggy day and the perfect film.
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Kritikker (9)
Jon-Leo Koch M.

the more I look at your pictures, the more I think you are a genious man...=)
Stein Rune B.

Nice. fint og kreativt
monica p.

Beautiful picture, with a touch of mystery, whats behind the fog????
I love it.
Mvh Monica
Elisabeth W.

Nice mood, I like fog. I wonder why it is a self portrait. In what ways are you like a tree - do you have strong roots? Are you resilient and bend when the wind blows, without breaking? Maybe the explanation is something completely different. I like your photo anyway!

-- Elisabeth
Hans-Einar O.

It's a beauty!! Wonderful mood.
mvh Hans
Tor Erik F.

Beautiful! Maybe to much noise in the bottom.
Marcelo V.

Este Portra que usaste, es en color verdad. No es el de blanco y negro que le has dado un tono sefia? Tomaste esta foto en el lugar donde vives ahora?
Me gustaron los tonos.
Avsluttet .

nice.....Like this one... :)
Avsluttet .

Somehow a selfportrait?.... Are you this mysterious and peaceful?.... It's beautiful though...

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