blow a wish....
To make the reflect here i used the picture of the baby wich is not made by me. It's just a present.
  • canon eos 1v
  • -
  • Blender-
  • Filmtypeportra 100t
  • Nei
  • Annetglass reflection between two subjects, no P.S, one shot.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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Kritikker (2)
Krister B.

Well done! Bottled baby... Do you want me to think about in vitro insemination (or whatever it's called)? Though the black and white suggests reincarnation... Many levels here... Good!

Hm, even though you use no PS, I think the picture would gain from some removal of dust and scratches. I know of a nice PS filter for that ;o)
Harald W.

Which is not made by you - the baby or the picture..?

Original concept. Well done.
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