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Avsluttet .

The hight amount of detail in the leaves are very good represented. The colors corresponding very well with the brightness allocation in the picture. The focus point was falling very good.
I would try to get both leaves in the frame. It's stealing a lot of the expressiveness of the image when you cut important objects like the leave on the right side.
I would use a little bit more sharpening (only a bit).
Also it would be interesting to see the image in B&W.
Otherwise a very nice image.
Amie E.

Thank you! Going to take alot of naturepics this weekend. Will try to get it right :))
Avsluttet .

In photography you can't getting everything/something right. At first it has to please you, not someone else. Everything of critique should you see only as a subjective opinion from a viewer. I would make it this way you a other. The image is therefore not better or worse.
Hope you had get some nice shots last weekend.

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