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Svein Johan L.

Fin komposisjon som jeg tror hadde gjort seg godt i svart hvitt.
vera f.

Enig med Svein, plus mere kontrast (spaken i photoshop) ;o)
Bjørnar Ignatius S.

Et veldig spennende portrett, løst på en andeledes og kreativ måte. Bygd opp så en får en historie her.
Georg K.
A "glad for having seen" photo - to me overly satisfying to watch - a photo which is just triggering all these Yes, Yes confirmations in me - similar to find a passage in a book which makes you looking up, closing your eyes - and repeat, taste the words in your head again.
That's of course a process which tells more about the viewer than the image - but it also says that the image must - on purpose or incidentally - hit on something what has the power to provoke an emotional response.

Terje Bringedal, foreman of the Norwegian Press photographers club (http://fotojournalisten.no/) is upset about the top-ranking of Niclas Hammarström's Utoya images in the World Press Photo competition, calling them as too direct, and claiming that the use of symbolic would have been the better - and more award-worthy way to document this event.

The core of Bringedal's comment is to my mind also applicable when thinking about this photo - it is not only about the objects one can name and see in the photo, but also about what they, in their composition and relation to each other, can express.

When Knut Olsen got to know that he had cancer, he asked a photographer to take some images of him - before the illness and treatment would left their marks on him - the images were taken by photographer, friend to the family - and they show Olsen together, surrounded and before some trees.
And Olsen knew what he was doing.

It might sound it bit overdoing to come with all these examples - while a simple comment about this photo would do - what I am trying to say is that this fun to look at this photo.

Fun because to me it is not random what is pictured, it is not just a tree because there was a tree and was too complicated to walk around it - or to take the image of the man with out the tree.

The relation between the man and the tree - the leaves on the ground and the gesture of the man are part of this photo. Whether they are directed, or just appeared as such and were accepted, taken is something the viewer does not know - but I assume it was not directed.

The vignette around, the lines of the small wall leading towards the man sitting there - the whole view is like a small stage, occupied by one person - and this person we can only explain by being influenced by what we see - colour, clothing, location, gesture - that's all we have.

No one knows if the way I read this image is valid for anyone else than me - but it is an image which does get his strength from the use of objects with symbolic power, from true composition - it is a complete little view - which can be explored by everyone - always according to their recipients this image might unlock.

To me - an image with a rare - and raw quality to it - truly impressed.
Tor Inge O.

trist tid spesielt for mange ensomme.Et meget Ikke så ofte du legger ut bilder men den som venter på noe bra venter ikke forgjeves. Et bilde som sikkert kan tolkes på mange måter Høsten betyr at en går en stillere tid i møte og for mange en trist tid med depresjoner. Personen som blir noe uanseelig, føler kanskje ensomhetn ekstra stor der han betrakter trærne som forbereder seg på å sove seg gjennom mørketiden. En trist tid for mange ensomme. Et meget bra fortellende bilde som sikkert blir tolket ulikt fra person til person.
Tor Inge
Tor Inge O.

Helvetes tastaturet, skrivemerket hopperr hit og dit som det vil og det ble sikkert ganske uforståelig.
Anders A.

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Og spesielt takk til Georg for ekstremt fyldig tilbakemelding.
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