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  • AnnetTripod mounted camera with ring flash.
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Kritikker (4)
Ask Andreas B.

Her syns jeg du kunne brukt noe annet enn en ringflash... Gir et litt kjedelig lyssetting. Blikket til modellen får det til å virke som om hun kanskje ikke syns det er så gøy å surfe... Dette kunne vært gjort mye bedre om du hadde lekt deg litt med komposisjon, og fulgt med på modellen. Tripod og mennesker passer forferdelig dårlig sammen, eneste unntaket i følge meg er når man skal ta bilde av flere mennesker, som et klassebilde eller liknende. Kan med fordel gi litt mer kontrast.

ian w.

My Dear Anders, apparently you don't like my work. No problem there as many people don't, but many people do. I shoot for nothing but money. My client sends me a remit...I question details and then shoot. You see unlike most amature photographers who shoot for pleasure and put endless hours into utter perfection, I don't have that time and it is absolutely uneccessary for my work. As long as my clients are happy and pay the bills, which tghey only do if they are happy..job in the bank..move on next job.
If I shoot fine art images for myself and to sell..well that's a whole new ball game.
I really don't understand your problem. According to your Bio you are too young to have any real experience. Perhaps when you have, and have been a working photographer for 10 + years, you may have an attitude change.
I have looked at your images here and will refrain from commenting.
So unless you have anything to say in a more polite please don't even bother to look at my images....I gaurantee you won't like them ;-)
Ask Andreas B.

It's not that I don't like your images, I'm just commenting on your work. And you have to get used to that here. I think we have two different meanings of photography. You do it purely for money, bot for me, it comes from the heart.
ian w.

Andreas, in the begining I shot from the heart. We all do. I have no problem with people critiscism of my work, however, before critiscising back ground should be collected. I don't write the detail because of time constraints, but maybe I will in the future. I will also mention that I mentor many photographers around the world, who with a little help from me and their own abilities have become quite successful
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