På vei til jobb.
Dikson, Nord-Russland.
  • Nikon F-100
  • -
  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeFuji Sensia 100
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriDiverse
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger200
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Kritikker (5)
Peter K.

Liker veldig godt at det bare er litt farge på veggen til venstre. Man lurer på om det er et fargebilde eller ikke... men hvis det er Sensia så er det vel det? Jeg synes bilde på en fin måte formidler en stemning, som kanskje er på stedet.
Nils L.

Meget bra. Likte det veldig godt.
Mystisk ( for meg ) og spesiell stemning som du formiddler her...
Mvh Nils :-)
Peter K.

jepp, nå vet jeg det. De mopedene får meg til å føle at bildet er fra en annen planet! Litt star-wars rett og slett...
Georg K.

This is strong, a real picture - a content, and point to make.
Something to show and to tell - your photo's, and this in particular, seems to me in their own way passionate.
Close, able to catch an atmosphere without prostituting the subject's.
Realistic - and still composed to a degree where a understanding of the image is possible without being connected to the specific content.
To explain what I mean - if you would have called the picture '' primitive transportation '' everyone’s understanding would start as this point - and the picture would simply have the motivation to confirm this view. While here the image is much wider, more open and not pre-dominated by the title - and not by the pictured content.
To me it simply seems a great and well composed photo, which isn't posed, pumped or blown up - it shows the eye of a real photographer, the availability of seeing through the camera more than what most of us can see with their own eyes.
I like it a lot - serious work to me.
Ioannis L.

Helt fantastisk stemning!
Et dystert, men samtidig meget vakkert bilde!
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