Annika in action
Som glad amatörfotograf gift med en riktig fotograf så har jag börjat fota Annika när hon arbetar. Riktigt skoj och då får även jag något att göra medans hon arbetar.
  • Nikon F90X
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  • Blender-
  • Nei
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  • KategoriMennesker
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  • Visninger619
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Kritikker (2)
Lars-Anders M.

Mycket bra bilde av fotokonstner som fotograferar. Jag tycker mycket om detta fina kort.
Georg K.

It's a strange picture - one the one side it is very well balanced and carry's all the different elements with much room for each and everyone.

The relation between the three main part's is clear, they accomplish each other and create a specific atmosphere.

The concentration, the portrait of the photographer at work is also nice caught - but I wonder why the main person in the centre isn't as sharp as the other two artefact's ?
In addition is the open-minded shown leg in my view a disturbance in this composition, it draws attention without being logic.

In anyway the colour-play is great, the atmosphere is good, and the point of high concentration is nice, balance of the components.

It might could have been less cantered presented.
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