I want to guard your dreams and visions
Just wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims
and strap your hands across my engines
Together we could break this trap
We'll run till we drop, baby we'll never go back
Will you walk with me out on the wire
`Cause baby I'm just a scared and lonely rider
But I gotta find out how it feels
I want to know if love is wild
girl I want to know if love is real
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Anders S.
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Stilig telefon.
Pål N.
Veldig stemningsfullt. Lurer på om det hadde vært enda kulere med en vanlig, gammeldags telefon istedet for den bilen hun holder mot hodet. Den stjeler unektelig litt oppmerksomhet og tilfører bildet et humoristisk aspekt som strengt tatt bryter litt mot feelingen i bildet. Men det var kanskje meningen?
Lars Kristian A.
meget MEGET bra
greier du å fremheve nesetuppen litt mer?
Thorir V.
one day i'll show up on your doorstep and demand i get to see your originals!
Avsluttet .
Veldig bra biledliggjøring av ''Born to run'' dette. Bra og effektiv komposisjon, - fin kobling mellom tekst og bilde.
...og bil-telefonen hører selvsagt med her; når en tar tekstens innhold og dens forfatter i betraktning.
Adrian H.
Georg K.
Knowing that this conflict's your intention and storyline - but it's a text I got right away in my head when I saw this image :
<B>Personal Jesus</B> by Johnny Cash
Your own, personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own, personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who is there
Feeling unknown and you are all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone
Lift up the receiver, Ill make you a believer
I will deliver, you know that Im a forgiver
Take seconds at best for me to do the test,
Things on your chest, you need to confess
Lift up the receiver, Ill make you a believer
I will deliver, you know that Im a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
It's not the religious context - but the dependency, and sometimes importance of communication via phone building the bridge here.
Hope you don't mind - no missionary statement at all - not from me in any way.
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på foto.no.
Du er som vanlig god til å fortelle historier med dine bilder!
Stilig telefon.
greier du å fremheve nesetuppen litt mer?
...og bil-telefonen hører selvsagt med her; når en tar tekstens innhold og dens forfatter i betraktning.
<B>Personal Jesus</B> by Johnny Cash
Your own, personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own, personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who is there
Feeling unknown and you are all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone
Lift up the receiver, Ill make you a believer
I will deliver, you know that Im a forgiver
Take seconds at best for me to do the test,
Things on your chest, you need to confess
Lift up the receiver, Ill make you a believer
I will deliver, you know that Im a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
It's not the religious context - but the dependency, and sometimes importance of communication via phone building the bridge here.
Hope you don't mind - no missionary statement at all - not from me in any way.