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Kritikker (10)
Carsten A.

Den satt, og fint presentert var det også!
Thorfinn B.

Litt midtstillt øye, men et bra bilde (av en Hest trur jeg?) Vriinsk!

Fint med håret som henger foran øyet.
Avsluttet .

Nice photo..
Eva D.

Thank you Gunte - yor reply was the only one I could understand !!!
Carsten and Thorfinn thanks for your replies also , but couldn't you write in german or english ( otherwise I am unable to understand , to respons or to learn something , thanks , Eva
Carsten A.

Ok, did'nt know - so many people use titles in English.

I said something to the effect that the picture hit me right in the eye (idiomatic Norwegian is not easily translated). I also mentioned the excellent presentation.
MVH CA (read this as: Regards from CA).
Eva D.

Thanks but it isn't my merit : it is a wonderfull horse
Aleksander J.

Congratulation with picture no. 11111 here on Foto.no...

Too close for me to make a real expression. The eye (and it's look) can tell a lot, but I visually miss some more of the face (althought an animals face can't tell you everything, just the basic things...).
Trine S.

Thorfinn Bekkelund:
''The eye is a bit to centered, but it's a good photo(of a horse, I think?)Vrinsk!(the sound of a horse)
Nice with the hair in front of the eye''

I really like this photo, Eva. Especially that you can see the houses in it's eye. Is that where you live? Really sharp too. Not always that easy to get a horse to stand still long enough to take a photo like this.

Eva D.

Hallo Trine !!
Thanks for your translation - work !!!
Yes, it's the house we live and you are right also: it's not easy to explain to the horse to stand still and not to make the nose into the objectiv !!
geir j.

Very nice horse-eye!!!
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