Very first birthday
of a little goose
  • SonyDSC-F505
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  • KategoriMakro/micro
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  • Visninger298
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Kritikker (7)
Aleksander J.

Jeg ser på bildet og synes det ser bra ut.
-Og det er bra.
Knud N.

A very nice picture... a moment before the absolute freedom.

Bravo... excellent!

Trine S.

As you know, I love this photo! One of nature's wonders captured in great colours, sharpness and sensitivity.

Translation of Aleksander's comment:

''I look at the photo and think it looks good.
- And it is good.''

Nina J.

I like this picture. I have unfortunately not ever seen a great moment like this...but I wish...

Ann F.

Fascinating to be able to witness and photograph a hatching!
Rgds, Ann
Eva D.

Thanks to all of you !!!
But the most fascinating was to find the eggs still closed but already making''peep,peep'' and that you cannot show on a photo for the moment(perhaps one day...???)

Jenny N.

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