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Kritikker (2)
Georg K.

Outstanding authentic image, playing with the strong, magical and seductive power of piano music - music in general.
When ones experienced to be taken away from music in this form - no matter if classical, jazz ( think about Keith Jarrett and his famous, fabulous concert in Cologne 1974 ) Blues, Gospel, Opera - this is an instrument - treated with respect knowledge and spirit , can do miracles.

The light in this photo is really amazing - so many soft variants - without the usual PS sepia toning, natural light - again reminding me to the well used phrase - painting with light - as reward a very pointed atmosphere - close to the complex impression of an painting.
It's not posed, not sexed up - even the ''ugly'' suitcase of the player is left where it is/was. Look at the worn out floor - all in this image is talking the language of absolute concentration towards the piano - and in the end what player is able to do with it - his dialogue with the instrument.

From there the photo get's it's sensational effect, not sensation in the meaning like never seen before, more in the sense that to my mind here a photo is able to really express clearly and in all it's possible interpretation’s it's purpose - an illustration of the fascination music.
Grzegorz G.

Thanks for your comments, I will consider them and try to use them in my next photos.
Best regards.
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