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Kritikker (5)
Nina J.

This picture is much better than the other one you submited earlier. And he just look so darn cute, a little heartbreaker :)

Regards Nina
Ann F.

Much better, the background doesn't disturb me at all.
What is in your hand to make him look so appealing? Candy?
Rgds, Ann
Avsluttet .

Yes, the picture was better with this background.
Kind regards/MR
Peter S.

This is wonderful!! Why can´t I take pictures like this?

Perhaps I should quit taking pictures of my black dogs in the snow? ;))
Eva D.

Black dogs in snow - that's hard work!!!
There are too much contrasts and it becomes too difficult for the camera!
Let me see some of them!!!
And thanks for the compliments, it's the same for me when I see the photos of other people - I always think: why it couldn't be me???
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