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Kritikker (8)
Ann F.

Definitely meat for dinner tonight!
Rgds, Ann
Mats N.

Grymt närgånget porträtt av Oscar, och han gör sitt bästa för att ge ett personligt uttryck, hehe.
Greit bild, kunde vara litt mindre repor/stöv, men annars bra...
Hur har förresten repan kommit dit, är den skannad från en utskrift?
MVH/Mats N.
Trine S.

Hi Eva!
Great and funny photo of Oscar. His expression says:''Don't mess with me!'' Is this from an aquarium or from underwater?

Here's a translation of Mats Neanders comment:
''Yup...A real close-up portrait of Oscar, and he does his best to give a personal impression, hehe.
Ok photo, there could have been a little less scratches/dust, but otherwise good...
BTW, how did the scratch get there, is it scanned from paper?
Regards/Mats N.'
Rolf J.

A nice photo of a nice fish.
Rgds. Rolf
Dag T.

Nice portrait, the person seems comfortable and relaxed in his position in front of the camera. I do, however, wonder if he is offended by the result.

The lighting is very effectively exploited, but there's something fishy about the background.
Mats N.

Thanks for making my wiew dechipherable for Eva M, Trine!
EM : I simply didn´t know that you weren´t understanding the Norwegian/Swedish writing, mostly used on this site.. ;-)
Welcome here!
Regards/Mats N.
Eva D.

Thank's to all of you for your comments.This Oscar is the fish of a friend and he is living in an aquarium(the fish, not our
friend!!!)For the scratch:it's on the glass of the aquarium--no scanner!
For the background:I really don't know what's fishy about - I didn't change ANYTHING.
And Trine: thank's once more....;-)Eva
Avsluttet .

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