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Anders T.

Kult utsnitt. Hvordan ville det sett ut i sort/hvitt?
Georg K.

I like this pic - can't really understand why so few comments are left.
True the crop is very special - and the face isn't in focus at all - but the photo has a clearly aesthetically appeal - very decisive, with reminiscences to many different heroic styles, softened in light an added almost mild view.
Plus the line of the arch appears here as an harmonic element and takes away all dangerous, aggressive expression - together with the - I would call it peaceful, calm - but devoted face.
Dowry - synonym for ''gift'' in the traditional sense, the gift the parents of the bride give when they daughter get's married, often used also in a different way, as explanation for something comes along.
Guess that everyone is allowed to have his own thoughts about it - but it is at least something interesting beneath the surface of silent elegance.
Grzegorz G.

Thanks for your comments, I will consider them and try to use them in my next photos.
Best regards.
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