Auswich, Polen (Konsentrasjonsleir)
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  • Canon t-90
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  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeTri-X 400 asa
  • Nei
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  • KategoriPresse
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger1223
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Kritikker (9)
Kolbein S.

Oi.. Dette var bra. Blir sugd rett inn i bildet.. Liker det godt jeg.
Nathan W. L.

Nydeleg foto av eit forferdeleg stad.
Men at det er skeivt trekke litt ned for meg.
Helsing, Nathan
Torbjørn L.

wow.. knall bra dette her.. føler suget .. bra valg av toner. i mine øyne tilnærmet perfekt fanget :)


Mikael H.

Svært mye bedre enn hva jeg klarte å få ut av et besøk på samme sted. Det ga noe ekstra med de fuglene.
Kim Fredriksen A.

Har veldig mye bilder fra samme sted, men dessverre er det begrensninger på hvor mange bilder man kan legge inn.. Kan ta tid og uker å få lagt inn bilder her..

Men flere kommer.. Hver 48. time..

Og takk for all positiv og konstruktiv kritikk..
Kim Fredriksen A.

Føler dessuten det er viktig å få frem en historie med bildene mine.. Bildene skal fortelle noe.. Være enkle, men informative.. Det er vel det pressefoto handler om?
Georg K.

This is an outstanding good, strong and emotional evoking photo.
Saying this I would like to incl. all elements, from the pigeons to the bared wire, colour, buildings and the angle.
The PS work is perfectly done, the sky is like painted for the purpose of the photo - the row of lamps, despite their harmonic form another sign of the endless stations of horror this place is standing for.

The only thing I do not agree with is the fact that the photo exists, knowing that this is a very controversial point - and most probably for you as photo-journalist not even acceptable - but to my own experience - and as a German this subject is important to me, from my own experience nothing, no picture, no reports and fact's are really able to make the indisputable impression of terror visible -you have to be there and feel it to understand and know that this is something everyone needs to oppose with all strength.

I'm afraid that photo's like this one could be used to find a way to deal with it - while I believe that there shouldn't be a way - and since you have been there to take this shot, I'm sure you know the feeling I'm referring to.

This is not a critic towards your intention, and for sure not towards your qualities as a photographer and honest journalist - but ask yourself - should it be possible to make a beautiful photo about this place ?

I see and acknowledge that you have used elements in your composition, symbols and signs to keep the frightening atmosphere, still - I'm not convinced if it isn't too easy to just continue, loosing the outstanding - and important message a direct confrontation only has.

The photo is beyond all doubts good, very good - men ?
Erlend B.

Fantastisk bilde!
Bedre bruk av symboler er det lenge siden jeg har sett noe sted. Send det til amnesty eller noe. Enig i at den lille skjevheten bør rettes på, men uansett gratulerer med et
engasjerende blinkskudd.

Trine T.

Trist, men nydelig.
Fuglene gjorde susen.
Duer er jo symbol på frihet.
Kanskje fangene endelig slapp fri?
La oss håpe dem hviler i fred. :)

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