Our youngest one
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Kritikker (5)
Ann F.

A nice picture of a most lovely kitten! The only negative to say, is that there are some dust and scratches in the background, and the ear(? of another kitten slightly visible in the top right side.
Rgds, Ann
Trine S.

This is really cute. Looks like he/she is cross-eyed(as I have seen on many of my kittens through the years too.) I must agree with Ann though, about the scratches and piece of stone(?) close to the ear.

finn h.

Et fantastisk katteportrett. Jeg liker særlig kattens litt sjelende ansiktsuttrykk Et lite rusk til venstre for kattens høyre øre og det litt lyse i kanten på kattens høyre øre ville jeg fjernet i photoshop el. l. billedbehandlingsprogram. Bildet er flott. Gratulerer!
Eva D.

You seemes to have a better screen--I don't even see theese scratches or the dust ! OK, I have to look for it.For the thing on the right side:you are right,Trine, it's a stone .I will try to do better next time.Siameses have often crossed eyes.
For Finn:please write in english or german, otherwise I understand perhaps 50%
Thanks to all of you,Eva:-)
Nina J.

What a beautiful picture...this is good.

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