Wintertime in France
I like to have critics and suggestions, but please write in english,german or french--Thanks !!!
  • SonyDSC-F505
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Kritikker (3)
Thorfinn B.

english...!!!!??? shit...øh.

Can someone translete this:

Fint kulturlandskap-bilde med fine toner og god komposisjon. Bra eksponert under trolig litt vanskelige lysforhold med sterke kontraster. Nice picture!

Birna R.

Translation as follows;

A nice picture of a rural landscape scene with a smooth tonal rendition and excellent composition. Although light conditions seem difficult and contrasts elevated, the picture is well-exposed, Thorfinn says.
Jeanette L.

I think it's way too much magenta in this picture. Maybe it wound be better in black and white?
Other than that, I don't find this picture very exiting...I miss something to rest my eyes on. Maybe a person by the fence?
A moose in the background? A dog playing?
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