...Misty Mountains...
Witness The Beauty of New Zealand and The Misty Mountains in Lord Of The Rings. The mountains you see, is the mountains that was used to shoot for The Misty Mountains in The Lord Of The Rings. Deep below these mountains the creature Gollum dwelled and was infected and corrupted by The One Ring for 500 years.
  • Nikon F70
  • Nikkor AF-D 16mm f/2.8 Fisheye
  • Brennvidde16mm
  • Blenderf/16
  • Lukker1/125s
  • FilmtypeKodak HD
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
Annen info
  • KategoriNatur
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger279
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (3)
Ulf R.

hehehe. nice. good looking airplane windows picture, gave me the urge to travel. nice use of fisheye effect too, all in all a good job.

Minh T.

Flott bilde.
Blir kald av å se på det :)
Kjetil N.

A pretty cool shot with nice colours. Like the wide angle and the drops on the window. Would've cropped from left.
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