Pastel Beauty
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Kritikker (4)
Siv D.

Synes de harmoniske tonene, den enkle komposisjonen, de svake skyggene i det blå feltet, flare, og blikket til modellen til sammen gir et veldig pent og behagelig rolig bilde. ¨

Reagerer dog på at det ser ut som om hennes høyre øye er veldig sminket og oppskarpet, mens det venstre er helt usminket og mye mykere.

Liker det usminkete best.

Har du bilder fra samme fotosession hvor hun har munnen litt annerledes? Legg gjerne ut.

:) Siv (som liker det alt i alt)
ps, penest med hvit bakgrunn og sort ramme
Kjetil N.

Synes dette var bra, men det er litt lite presentert.

Har ikke sansen for den PS-effekten du har lagt til.
Georg K.

Ops - a real, true ''Whitfield'' in Norway, a long time since the last.
An exceptional fragile face you have brought with you - and a wonderful image.
We all have read and heard this sentence, the various possible combination's of light, painting etc. too many times to really see, read and review it again and again - still I would like to do exactly this when looking at your latest image here.
Light, bright and much light is surrounding, embedding, creating and preparing her for the role she might has to fill in the fantasies of viewers - she and her appearance stands for a kind of dream we believe we can reach, conquer and experience when solving little obstacles like money - since this face is supposed to invite us to deal with the promises of fashion.
Looking and watching as many as possible of new campaign's of image-creating fashion labels it is evident how little attention the final product get's, while the presenting face and the composition matching idea and ambassador / model are key-elements for the success, acceptance of the work.
While this isn't new, it sometimes doesn't really reach our understanding how much of photographic perfection can be discovered in these areas.
Beside of the few famous names it seems that the outstanding beauty of the famous and adorable models does make it work - while this photo shows very openly how much the magic about knowledgeable used light as just one part, can turn a beautiful face into the myth of a spherical princess.
Alchemical use of skills and conscious knowledge about the seduction of “beautiful” are to my mind the most astonishing message from this photo – a shot direct from the camera so it seems, no carefully arranged background or expression-supporting accessories, it is in the end really down to the face and it’s surrounding light what makes the fascination of this pic. - and this I regard as a really inspiring way to search for valid, understandable expression’s of beauty.
Ann Louise I.

vakkert bilde.. det minner meg faktisk om en reklame for digitale kamera eller noe sånn.. reklame for noe digitalt.. kjempe kult og beroligende.. vakkert ansikt.. ann louise
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