I got this one from Zandvoort in Netherlands where I was staying last week.
  • Sony PC 330
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  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeDigital
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  • KategoriNatur
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  • Visninger166
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Kritikker (4)
Inga Helene J.

Very nice colours! Spot a branch at the right side, that could be removed i PS. Maybe also the bottom should be cut off. Looks like you've got the top of a hill in the right corner. I think it's too small to be kept. It seems like you had a nice evening in the Netherlands

May-Lise L.

So they have nice sunsets in NL too? I agree with Inga about the branch. The colors are warm and beautiful. I believe the pic would have been even better with a bit of land or sea at the bottom. :)
Inger-Lise S.

Really beautiful colours.Good light.
I agree about the bottom here.Would either cut or have seen some land or sea.But you have caught a wonderful sunset.

Regards Inger-Lise
Odd Tore S.

Nice picture with rich colors and some trails of airplanes to add some life.
I think that you could have added some more foreground to the picture, or left it out completely. With black background the little foreground you have floats into the vast darkness. In my opinion, selecting black with thin white frame would have improved the situation.
Dutch sunsets are beautiful, as are sunsets all over the world, but they do not last quite as long as up here. Another issue is that the air often seems to be more moist and also polluted, which makes the sun turn red when it is higher above the horizon even on a clear day, see picture bilde nr. 110878 from the harbor of Amsterdam.
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