SceneType Directly photographed
FocusMode Manual
AFStatusLeft Out of Focus
AFStatusCenterHorizontalBack Focus (+32767)
CustomWB_RGBLevels 0 513 257
HDR Off; Uncorrected image
PrimaryChromaticities 0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
ExposureProgram (2) Unknown (143)
ShutterSpeedSetting 16
ResolutionUnit (2) inches
FolderNumber 000
Flash Off, Did not fire
ImageStabilization On
ExposureProgram Aperture-priority AE
FolderNumber (1) 001
LiveViewMetering Unknown (1)
FlashControl Unknown (16)
FlashStatusBuilt-in Unknown (16)
Orientation (1) Horizontal (normal)
YCbCrCoefficients 0.299 0.587 0.114
SonyImageSize Unknown (1)
HDRSetting Off
ModifyDate 2010:11:07 13:52:30
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
MaxApertureValue 2.8
ExifImageHeight 3056
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FlashExposureCompSet -4.6
AFStatusRight Back Focus (+32767)
ExifVersion 0221
FileSource Digital Camera
Model DSLR-A550
DynamicRangeOptimizerSettingUnknown (0)
Brightness 0
AFButtonPressed No
ViewingMode2 Unknown (1)
ContrastSetting 0
AFAreaMode Wide
AFStatusBottom-right Out of Focus
ImageNumber (1) 3649
FlashpixVersion 0100
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ExposureProgram (1) Unknown (21)
FaceDetection Unknown (0)
ExposureTime 1/200
Teleconverter None
AFPoint Unknown (128)
SaturationSetting +1
XResolution 137.795
BrightnessValue 6
FlashStatusExternal None
ColorMode Standard
SceneMode Standard
WhitePoint 0.313 0.329
LiveViewFocusMode n/a
LongExposureNoiseReductionOn (unused)
PreviewImageSize 9646x1616
PreviewImage (Binary data)
AFStatusBottom-left Out of Focus
Software Paint.NET v3.36
Rating 0
SharpnessSetting +19
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 157 mm
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
DateTimeOriginal 2010:11:07 13:52:30
AFStatusTop-right Out of Focus
BatteryVoltage2 5.98 V
XResolution (2) 350
HighISONoiseReduction High
MemoryCardConfiguration Unknown (240)
AFStatusBottom Out of Focus
Contrast Normal
ViewingMode Unknown (0)
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
ThumbnailOffset 44340
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AELock Unknown (16)
Saturation (1) 0
ImageStabilization (1) Unknown (14)
HighISONoiseReduction (1)Unknown (1)
LensSpec (1) Unknown (00 0 0 0 0 00)
CustomRendered Normal
ISO 200
LensType Minolta AF 100-300mm F4.5-5.6 APO (D) or Sigma Lens
SceneCaptureType Standard
YResolution 137.795
YCbCrPositioning (1) Co-sited
YResolution (2) 350
CameraOrientation Rotate 270 CW
Contrast (1) 0
LongExposureNoiseReduction (1)Off
CompressedBitsPerPixel 3
ApertureSetting 0.77
Saturation Normal
ThumbnailLength 16716
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LightSource Unknown
ISOSetting 25
ColorSpace (1) sRGB
ImageNumber 0000
AFPointSelected Upper-right
FlashMode Unknown (2)
CreativeStyleSetting Unknown (0)
AFStatusCenterVertical Out of Focus
FocusModeSetting Unknown (4)
SmileShutter Unknown (0)
AFStatusActiveSensor Out of Focus
WhiteBalanceSetting Unknown (0)
ExposureCompensation 0
ExposureMode Auto
Quality (1) Unknown (16)
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
Compression JPEG (old-style)
FNumber 4.5
WhiteBalance (1) Auto
CreateDate 2010:11:07 13:52:30
DynamicRangeOptimizer Off
ImageDescription SONY DSC
MeteringMode Multi-segment
ColorCompensationFilter 0
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
FocalLength 105.0 mm
AFStatusTop-left Out of Focus
AFStatusTop Out of Focus
Gamma 2.2
FullImageSize 1080x4592
Quality Fine
ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
Sharpness (1) +1
Sharpness Hard
BatteryLevel 151%
ColorTemperature Auto
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FacesDetected 0
BatteryVoltage1 6.26 V
ExifImageWidth 4592
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HDRLevel Unknown (0)
SequenceNumber Single
WhiteBalance Auto
ResolutionUnit cm
BatteryTemperature 72.2 C
ExposureCompensationSet -5.3
DriveModeSetting Single Frame
AFStatusMiddleHorizontalOut of Focus
MeteringMode (1) Unknown (6)