DigitalCreationDateTime 2017:11:18 15:06:20
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DateTimeCreated 2017:11:18 15:06:20
SubSecCreateDate 2017:11:18 15:06:20.60
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Compression JPEG (old-style)
Technology Cathode Ray Tube Display
ModifyDate (1) 2017:12:25 15:41:30+01:00
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DateCreated (1) 2017:11:18
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DateCreated 2017:11:18 15:06:20.60
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Flash Off, Did not fire
DigitalCreationDate 2017:11:18
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FileInodeChangeDate 2020:03:25 20:35:10+01:00
DateTimeOriginal 2017:11:18 15:06:20
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