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DateTimeCreated | 2016:01:14 12:03:57+01:00 |
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FileAccessDate | 2024:09:20 11:51:31+02:00 |
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ICCProfileName | sRGB IEC61966-2.1 |
HasRealMergedData | Yes |
LensSerialNumber (1) | 0000000000 |
ProfileCopyright | Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company |
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XMPToolkit | Adobe XMP Core 6.0-c002 79.164488, 2020/07/10-22:06:53 |
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ThumbnailImage | (Binary data) |
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FileModifyDate | 2020:10:28 22:48:08+01:00 |
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ColorMode | RGB |