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ModifyDate | 2020:11:02 08:31:19 |
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DigitalCreationTime | 11:19:26 |
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HistoryWhen | 2020:11:02 08:31:19+01:00, 2020:11:02 08:31:19+01:00 |
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DateTimeCreated | 2020:10:30 11:19:26 |
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DigitalCreationDate | 2020:10:30 |
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DigitalCreationDateTime | 2020:10:30 11:19:26 |
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FileAccessDate | 2024:12:12 14:25:34+01:00 |
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FileInodeChangeDate | 2020:11:02 08:32:49+01:00 |
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FileModifyDate | 2020:11:02 08:32:49+01:00 |
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