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LightValue | -4.0 |
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LensInfo (1) | 17-28mm f/2.8 |
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ExifToolVersion | 11.85 |
CreateDate | 2019:09:27 23:15:18 |
ExposureProgram | Manual |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit | cm |
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ProfileVersion | 2.3.0 |
GPSStatus | Measurement Void |
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SubSecDateTimeOriginal | 2019:09:27 23:15:18+02:00 |
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LensInfo | 17-28mm f/2.8 |
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DateCreated | 2019:09:27 23:15:18+02:00 |
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HistorySoftwareAgent | Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows) |
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SubSecCreateDate | 2019:09:27 23:15:18+02:00 |
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DeviceModel | |
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FocalLengthIn35mmFormat | 17 mm |
ProfileDateTime | 2008:01:10 15:30:40 |
ProfileCopyright | Copyright (c) 2008, Sandy McGuffog. Some rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. |
Saturation | Normal |
JFIFVersion | 1.01 |
SceneCaptureType | Standard |
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DateTimeOriginal | 2019:09:27 23:15:18 |
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FileInodeChangeDate | 2020:11:09 21:16:39+01:00 |
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CreateDate (1) | 2019:09:27 23:15:18 |
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FOV | 93.3 deg |
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SensitivityType | Recommended Exposure Index |
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ResolutionUnit | cm |
ModifyDate (1) | 2020:11:09 21:14:14+01:00 |
HistoryWhen | 2020:11:09 21:14:14+01:00, 2020:11:09 21:14:14+01:00 |
MetadataDate | 2020:11:09 21:14:14+01:00 |
FileAccessDate | 2024:12:15 20:14:30+01:00 |
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FileSource | Digital Camera |
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XMPToolkit | Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c145 79.163499, 2018/08/13-16:40:22 |
FileModifyDate | 2020:11:09 21:16:39+01:00 |
ICCProfileName | ProPhoto |
BrightnessValue | -10.3265625 |
SubSecModifyDate | 2020:11:09 21:14:14+02:00 |