A girl like her
50% more girls struggle with depression and anxiety today than 10 years ago. Why is that? Is it the constant chase towards perfection, the never-ending feed on Instagram or the high expectations from an ambitious society? Through a portrait series of young girls between the age of 14-15 years old, sat in their everyday school environment, I want to be a voice for the voiceless, to highlight and bring this issue into the light so that there will be more focus and opportunities for help in schools for girls struggling to cope with the pressures of today.
A girl like her “Throughout school, I feel like there hasn’t been that many people making an effort getting to know me. Right now, I have friends around me that accept me for who I am, and I´m really thankful for that. “Life as a 15 year old is a bit challenging. I think stress is what gets to me the most. There´s a lot of tests in school, pressure to get the best grades, to work out a lot and to wear the right clothes, having the right body and so on. “I have had a lot of challenges with negative thoughts and lies in my head that some days has taken all of my energy, making me feel very heavy. Freedom from these things, for me, is that I´m able to exercise three days a week.
Fotografen seriebilde

"Having and wearing clothes by a brand is very important if you want to be accepted and popular in a lot of schools today. Being yourself, being free to be who you are important to me. Im lucky to have such good friends around me.

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