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Møt Cig Harvey på hjemmebane:

Bli med på workshop hjemme hos den kjente Amerikanske fotografen Cig Harvey i USA. Cig vil hjelpe deg å finne din egen unike stemme som fotograf, og inspirere deg til å lage rom i hverdagen for egne foto prosjekter.
Workshopen foregår på engelsk:

This years workshop with Cig Harvey is very special. It is set in Maine, where Cig lives with her family, and where she creates most of her amazing work. We will see first hand where she draws her inspirations, and how she works in her own environment.

This workshop will help you find your own unique voice as a photographer, and give you guidance in how to make space in your life to find inspiration, and keep making interesting work.

We will look at what it is that fuels your interest in photography. There is a connection between your interests, your passions, the way you see the world, and how you photograph. This workshop is about discovering the power of this connection. There will be daily discussions, written exercises, and reviews of work in progress, as well as individual assignments. These are designed to help participants hone their ability to recognize and capture emotional content and create memorable images. We will also review work by other artists who have used personal experience as a vehicle. Cig will meet individually with each participant to discuss how to push their work further and avoid repetition. Participants will leave this workshop having learned to approach photography in a very personal way and how this approach very often will lead to powerful and truthful projects.

About Cig Harvey:
Cig Harvey, MFA, is a passionate working fine-art photographer and educator. Her photographs and artist’s books are included in permanent collections of major institutions including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas; the Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine; and the International Museum of Photography and Film at the George Eastman House, Rochester, New York. Her first monograph, You Look At Me Like An Emergency (Schilt Publishing, 2012) sold out in all printings and was accompanied by a solo museum show at the Stenersen Museum in Oslo, Norway in spring 2012. Her second book, Gardening At Night, will be released this spring 2015. She was recently nominated for the John Gutmann fellowship and was a finalist of the BMW Prize at Paris Photo and the Prix Virginia, an international photography prize for women.

She is represented by Robert Mann Gallery in New York, Robert Klein Gallery in Boston and Kopeikin Gallery in Los Angeles. In addition to her fine art career, Cig is represented commercially by i2i Photography, and her workshops has been highlighted by American Photo as one of the best to attend.

Komplett workshopbeskrivelse, og alt av praktiske opplysninger finner du på vår nettside: A Personal Approach.

Påmelding skjer til post@nordphotography.com eller direkte på vår nettside. Det er bindende påmelding på våre workshoper.
© Cig Harvey -
© Cig Harvey
© Cig Harvey -
© Cig Harvey
© Cig Harvey -
© Cig Harvey

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