  • Canon S1 IS
  • -
  • Blenderf/4.5
  • Lukker1/500s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriBil/motor/Kjøretøy
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger302
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Kritikker (2)
Are S.

fett bilde, dette minner meg om bakhjulet på golfen min!
tror det hadde vert bedre og hatt et større ut snitt... der vi hadde sett hele hjulet!?
men eller er det et nydelig bildet som er tett og fint!

mvh Are
Georg K.

Cool - and powerful image of the wheel - this has sex-appeal, a good and working angle.
To my mind the crop is ok.
Again - I think you should push the red a bit - and to make the last remark also - guess the image would have been stronger if you have ''deleted'' the green in the background.
But the image has the right amount of power it needs - good idea - and not really the kind of imagination when people think about a bobble.
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