Minstejenta i et tankefullt øyeblikk
  • Nikon D 70
  • 50 mm
  • Brennvidde50mm
  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/60s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriBarn
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger431
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Kritikker (3)
Audhild E.

Fint bilde!
Georg K.

Nice with the background out of focus as contrast against the main subject.
Like also the kind of playful hair above the forehead - as a summary it is too small in my opinion in order to really transport more than just a shadow of the potential.
There also some question-marks connected to the sharpness on the face - a good starting point would be an area sharp around the eye.
Idea, S/H and the limited view is a nice starting point.
Pål H.

Thanks.I really wouldlike the picture larger also. But it is difficult to get it in the right size to send on the web.
Actually, a few times when I made the picture smaller in PS, I still got the message from foto.no that it was still too large, even when the information showed the picture had less KB than the limit decided by foto.no
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