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Fine farger, flott utsnitt, men virker desverre litt oppstilt på meg.
For å få et helhetlig bra snapshot burde ikke mannen med solbrillene sett i kamera, noe som gjør at situasjonen ikke virker helt naturlig.
Men friske og frodige farger, sommerfølelsen kommer ;).
Georg K.
The image doesn't appeal to me at all - but I'm sure to some it does.
Just one small observation - there is a pretty visible halo-effect above the building in the background - and after seeing it - you can follow it all the way throughout the image - an d the shadow under the roof of the same building appears in red - not sure if this is a desired result.
The lamp-pole growing out of the head on the guy to the left is of little elegance, and I personally do not like the crop on that side either - it works on the right side.
No problems with the posing - that's comes as kind of natural - kind of resting mood.
Magnus W.
Takker for synspunkter :)
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For å få et helhetlig bra snapshot burde ikke mannen med solbrillene sett i kamera, noe som gjør at situasjonen ikke virker helt naturlig.
Men friske og frodige farger, sommerfølelsen kommer ;).
Just one small observation - there is a pretty visible halo-effect above the building in the background - and after seeing it - you can follow it all the way throughout the image - an d the shadow under the roof of the same building appears in red - not sure if this is a desired result.
The lamp-pole growing out of the head on the guy to the left is of little elegance, and I personally do not like the crop on that side either - it works on the right side.
No problems with the posing - that's comes as kind of natural - kind of resting mood.