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Georg K.

many years back I had a friend with a reputation - most people saw in him the archetype of everything they consider as ''low'' - he had his habits, lets say, not very adapted - but he was - and is, in his way a very special gifted man - as a marketer he was able to refine without any problems many ''general'' views, predictions, believes etc. - into pcs. of communication - the ideal type for any tabloid press.
In many ways I again and again see similar qualities in your images - not about the habits :) - don't know anything about them, and they are not important either - but in your way of refining - close to overplaying specific, generally adapted views, opinions.

No matter if looking at your car-photo portfolio, your more rare ''girl-images'' - your ''types'' - they all are fascinating because you hit with your images exactly on this points.
The bartender girl - the photo shows what very often the perception of people, in this case girls, working in these jobs - is - one could use the word of being a touch tacky - but this sounds wrong - it is more about the process of refining this vague impression - still very present - confirm it - and create something people can relate too - without actually being unfair, taking away their own personality - it is in many ways a role they play - and you confirm this role.

This image of the guy in the gym with the big arms - a clean guy, fresh - showing absolute confidence in his appearance - his lifestyle - which of course is connected to his constant training - his straight forward appeal - and by all means - he isn't pictured as nerd, unsympathic muscle-guy - in a different setting he could easily be sold as ''the'' type, ideal of a specific group of fks. young, successful men - firm, solid, strong, fit - and straight.

Combined with your technical skills - this talent in your images is something what I see as indeed “standing out” quality - talent. Many of us are fascinated by the idea to picture, play and use something what is named as ''cliché, archetype, role-model, symbol'' etc. - many of us are trying to stage such - typical expression like Angst, sadness, desperation, destruction etc. - that’s interesting - and sometimes even good. Many of us walk around and try to find, picture the so-called ''originals'' - and many of us hope to find the hint of ''naturalism, reality, connectable '' photo by getting in contact with people who don't care about social etiquette for various reasons - I often find that you get easier to these points - not by overdoing - but by finding, refining the special characteristics.

Even though that with the time a photographic eye is getting more demanding - many of your images still, at least offer my perception a thrill - which seeing from my point of view, isn’t too bad at all.

Both of these last two postings I think are very effective - they are actually good photography (imo).
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