will they meet ?
and live happily ever after .. :D
  • Canon 20D
  • 50mm
  • Brennvidde50mm
  • Blenderf/2.8
  • Lukker1/100s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriHumor
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger420
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (8)
Wiggo T.

Brilliant! Love your style!

Preben T.

Det ser ut som dem trenger å møtes for å gjøre tilværelsen lykkeligere for hverandre. Flott bilde
andrya a.

thanks Wiggo
glad you like my style ;)
Georg K.

Nice one - reminds me to many sites in Prague actually - nevertheless - the image carries of course a moody impression around - kind of evoking motif for the ones who want to see it this way.
Like the tones - and the sort o repetition of shapes ( the corner-motif ).
Not really sure if the shop-window doesn't get too much space - in a way it isn't really related to the main-issue as I see it.
Lets hope then that you as the guy with the camera has created enough disturbance in the daily routines that they actually really had a chance to see in each others eyes :)
andrya a.

thanks Georg for your comment
this one is taken in Verone actually. I like to look for story in the street. i found it fun. :)
Carl Martin N.

Helge R.

Spennede bilde, likte tittelen, den gir en ekstra dimensjon til bildet. Bra i s/h hilsen
Kristoffer L.

Picture and title, hand in hand, are striking. This is a classic street photograph. Very good!

- Kristoffer
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