Parc Guelle
  • Konica Minolta z10
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Kritikker (3)
thomas m.

Yo Shirly!
From now on am I going to write Englsh, than the norwegian speaking crowd here can enjoy it as well..:-)
Very nice picture! nice light, nice composition, nothing to put my finger on..:-)
well done!

mvh, T M
Shirly R.

yes, nothing to put your finger on, than it must be realy good ;)
Do you know how many pictures i can put on the site per day? I thought it was 2 but i somehow can not put a new picture on my site..
thomas m.

you can put 2 pictures per week on this site, there are so many people that want to show many ensure that everyone gets a chance of getting comments, they made this limit..:-)
if you click on 'legg til nytt bilde', than you see the date when you can send in you next pictures..
I paid 150 krones for 1 full year ( 18 euro's ) and than I can put 4 pictures per week on this site..:-)

mvh & -x- , T M..
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