Referere til dette bildet andre steder på klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_194939} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Foreslår at du slipper ham bort til renna jeg, så han får gjort det han skal :-)
Teknisk ok selv om blitsen er litt hard, det er greit i denne settingen.
Tittelen passer bra til posituren, men innholdsmessig gir det meg ikke så veldig mye.
fiona s.
jeg liker bildet mest fordi jeg kjenner fyren. den viser den mørke,seksuelle siden hans.Ansiktet er mye morkere enn resten av kroppen.passer som et portrett av Scoop som han heter
Avsluttet .
Jeg er enig med Ragnar. Det beskriver kanskje personligheten til scoop veldig bra, men jeg finner det litt ekkelt. Kanskje du prøver å provosere? et rått bilde, ''bra'' men ekkelt.. hvis du forstår, ikke et bilde jeg har lyst å se på så mange ganger liksom..
mvh PerArne
Ragnar W.
Hei igjen Fiona,
Jeg forstår da det slik at bildet ikke er arrangert, ihvertfall ikke i den forstand at det er et dra-ned-buksa for å provosere eller lage et bilde med litt ''attitude''.
Og det gjør at det fungerer bedre for meg, uten at jeg dermed vil si at jeg liker ''attituden'' til Scoop. Men det er da heller ikke nødvendig for at det skal bl et bra bilde.
Mulig jeg antok at dette var arrangert fordi jeg ser du har en del andre som (jeg håper, f.eks bilde nr. 224840) er det. Så ikke at dette lå under kategorien ''Mennesker'', det burde gitt meg et hint.
Også litt pirk: øverste venstre hjørne. Sort. Ikke bra. Kuttings! :-)
Georg K.
if it would be a girl in the same pose - would it still be litt ekkelt ?
Attitude - obviously - the tilted presentation reminds me too much too party-pics in wannabe cool publications - - and even though you mentioned the reason - I find his face far too dark - same as the hand holding down his pants ( he has actually large hands ?)
Location is quite alright - in the upper left corner is a small piece I think you wouldn't really need - I'm not sure if not a different vantage point would have underlined his attitude in more efficient way ?
N.Y. meets Oslo - while Oslo doesn't need to take a beating in close to 3.00 AM attitude :)
Ragnar W.
Hi Georg,
You got good points, as always.
Personally I don't think this is ''ekkelt'', and rarely think similar, arranged pictures of girls are any more or less ''ekkle'', or interesting photographically.
And for the most part they are arranged, I guess, f.ex this one ... bilde nr. 240707?. And I rarly find such pictures interesting, no matter what the sex of the model is.
In general, I would think that arranged pictures of girls in this kind of situation would be less provoking to the general public because we are more used to see pictures of (half)-naked women (go to any Narvesen kiosk) than of men.
On the other hand I would think that non-arranged pictures of a girl with (who HAVE) this attitude would be MORE proviking to the general public, because they are not supposed to have that kind of sexually explicit attitude in real life, while boys can get away with it.
In a male dominated society we allow girls/woman to ''play'' sexually provoking/challenging, for our own pleasure (magazines, movies, etc.), but not be it in real life.
Oh, enough ranting, its getting late ...
Anyway, the fact that this picture isn't arranged (using a model to simply make a provoking picture) makes it work better for me, because as Fionay points out it shows some of the models personality. Once again, this does not necessarily mean that I like him or his attitude, which is not necessary to make me think it's a good (or bad!) picture.
By the way .... I won the 00:22 battle!
/Ragnar :-)
Georg K.
You did :)
you have some points Ragnar agree with your position of what is acceptable despite the surrealistic reality in printed press publications - no need to argue - just one thought - with the medium ''photo'' it is actually possible to ''arrange'' according to your own beliefs, wishes etc. - while I often find it intriguing to understand the starting point of such an arrangement, simply because it is a kind of dedicated expression.
To use a well-known category as example - the a few years ago, celebrated British advertisement style - arranged in order to assemble a maximum on ''connection'' etc. - you know all this of course.
This photo here doesn't appear as such as you already correctly said - and so we should not discuss it here anyhow :)
It's getting late - yepp.
See you around...
fiona s.
takk for oppmerksomhet.
vel dette er ikke et atrangert bilde. jeg tar ofte kameraet mitt med pa fest for det er da folk slipper seg skikkelig løs.
Scoop er min sex in the city korrekte homofile venn her i new york.og ja det er mye seksuell energi inn i bildet.eller skal man si frustrasjon
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
Teknisk ok selv om blitsen er litt hard, det er greit i denne settingen.
Tittelen passer bra til posituren, men innholdsmessig gir det meg ikke så veldig mye.
mvh PerArne
Jeg forstår da det slik at bildet ikke er arrangert, ihvertfall ikke i den forstand at det er et dra-ned-buksa for å provosere eller lage et bilde med litt ''attitude''.
Og det gjør at det fungerer bedre for meg, uten at jeg dermed vil si at jeg liker ''attituden'' til Scoop. Men det er da heller ikke nødvendig for at det skal bl et bra bilde.
Mulig jeg antok at dette var arrangert fordi jeg ser du har en del andre som (jeg håper, f.eks bilde nr. 224840) er det. Så ikke at dette lå under kategorien ''Mennesker'', det burde gitt meg et hint.
Også litt pirk: øverste venstre hjørne. Sort. Ikke bra. Kuttings! :-)
Attitude - obviously - the tilted presentation reminds me too much too party-pics in wannabe cool publications - - and even though you mentioned the reason - I find his face far too dark - same as the hand holding down his pants ( he has actually large hands ?)
Location is quite alright - in the upper left corner is a small piece I think you wouldn't really need - I'm not sure if not a different vantage point would have underlined his attitude in more efficient way ?
N.Y. meets Oslo - while Oslo doesn't need to take a beating in close to 3.00 AM attitude :)
You got good points, as always.
Personally I don't think this is ''ekkelt'', and rarely think similar, arranged pictures of girls are any more or less ''ekkle'', or interesting photographically.
And for the most part they are arranged, I guess, f.ex this one ... bilde nr. 240707?. And I rarly find such pictures interesting, no matter what the sex of the model is.
In general, I would think that arranged pictures of girls in this kind of situation would be less provoking to the general public because we are more used to see pictures of (half)-naked women (go to any Narvesen kiosk) than of men.
On the other hand I would think that non-arranged pictures of a girl with (who HAVE) this attitude would be MORE proviking to the general public, because they are not supposed to have that kind of sexually explicit attitude in real life, while boys can get away with it.
In a male dominated society we allow girls/woman to ''play'' sexually provoking/challenging, for our own pleasure (magazines, movies, etc.), but not be it in real life.
Oh, enough ranting, its getting late ...
Anyway, the fact that this picture isn't arranged (using a model to simply make a provoking picture) makes it work better for me, because as Fionay points out it shows some of the models personality. Once again, this does not necessarily mean that I like him or his attitude, which is not necessary to make me think it's a good (or bad!) picture.
By the way .... I won the 00:22 battle!
/Ragnar :-)
you have some points Ragnar agree with your position of what is acceptable despite the surrealistic reality in printed press publications - no need to argue - just one thought - with the medium ''photo'' it is actually possible to ''arrange'' according to your own beliefs, wishes etc. - while I often find it intriguing to understand the starting point of such an arrangement, simply because it is a kind of dedicated expression.
To use a well-known category as example - the a few years ago, celebrated British advertisement style - arranged in order to assemble a maximum on ''connection'' etc. - you know all this of course.
This photo here doesn't appear as such as you already correctly said - and so we should not discuss it here anyhow :)
It's getting late - yepp.
See you around...
vel dette er ikke et atrangert bilde. jeg tar ofte kameraet mitt med pa fest for det er da folk slipper seg skikkelig løs.
Scoop er min sex in the city korrekte homofile venn her i new york.og ja det er mye seksuell energi inn i bildet.eller skal man si frustrasjon